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You are limitless. Educational read review

Self -improvement, discipline and the desire to evolve are all natural given instincts we should capitalise on. It's my personal belief that every circumstance whether it be a task, goal or even profession demands some degree of focus and re-evaluation.

I'd like to encourage everyone to take time for yourselves as it is both essential and priceless. How you utilise time can prove to have a beneficial or harmful effect on your life. Time is a factor that is irreplaceable and how you choose to occupy it can change and influence your life for the better or worse.

There are numerous outlets that can be used to alleviate stress and introduce peace and focus, which one (s) depends is subjective. Personally, I enjoy different types of conduits but today I'd like to share feedback from a book I read recently.

Currently, I work in a centre as a hemodialysis technician. If there are any of you aspiring to become a dialysis technician I'd definitely encourage you guys to read "Expert tips on becoming a dialysis technician. By Cassia Ann".

This is the book that I will discuss today.

Firstly, dialysis is a process that replaces many kidney functions by artificial means. There are two types, peritoneal and in centre hemodialysis, in both the blood is cleaned/ filtered and excess fluid is removed. The author of this book shared her personal experience working in various hemodialysis centres throughout the years. Her language was simple and easy to understand so it was not difficult to navigate through each chapter. She was also very thorough as she addressed everything from certification, terminology, setting up machines, cannulation, management and behaviour in the work place. So basically she equips you with what to expect and how to handle different situations you'll more than likely encounter within the centre.

I greatly appreciated her transparency because it made each scenario relatable and personable. At some points I felt as if she was talking about my workplace! Ann took a pragmatic approach with each chapter which made it difficult to put the book down. I also enjoyed the incorporation of feedback from her co-workers on what and what not to do. I loved the honesty as she addressed, everything from gossip, drama, self-doubt and other vulnerable aspects of the work culture that aren't typically openly embraced.

Lastly I'd like to talk about how the author encouraged positivity. She embraced prayer and continuously preached the importance of being HUMBLE. This is a tip that should be carried throughout life. Whether it's in pursuance or something or simply in every day life through your character. After completion of the book I gained knowledge, clarity and confidence from knowing that there are some sentiments that were experienced by others as well. It gave reassurance knowing that the experience is just that, a journey with lessons that yield growth. I felt empowered and encouraged to apply myself. I even incorporated some of the tips the very next day which proved effective. I definitely recommend this book especially to persons in the medical field aspiring to become a dialysis technician or work in a dialysis unit/ clinical setting.

To conclude I want to once again encourage each and every one of you to think positively and to not limit yourself because of fear or societal opinions. You are fully capable of any logical venture you pursue. Whatever it may be start and continue to better yourself through different avenues. I promise you'll feel a better sense of fulfillment, happiness and self- accomplishment. Remember humility and prayer are key.

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